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LA LUISA Pacencia Egg Drop Cookies 70g

$ 2.99
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FUN FACT: One of the advantages of cookies made with eggs is that they can be a good source of protein, making them a satisfying and energy-boosting snack. Eggs are also a source of essential nutrients such as vitamins D and B12, as well as minerals like iron and selenium.

• LA LUISA Pacencia Egg Drop Cookies are a delectable treat that is perfect for any occasion. It envision a cookie with a delicate and crumbly texture, similar to shortbread or sand cookies.  The addition of egg could give the cookie a rich and buttery flavor, with a subtle hint of egginess.
• One of the best things about LA LUISA Pacencia Egg Drop Cookies is their unique taste. The buttery flavor is perfectly complemented by a hint of sweetness that is not too overpowering, making it a perfect balance. The cookies have a slightly crunchy texture that is not too hard, and not too soft, making them just right.
• Each pack contains 70 grams of these tasty treats that are sure to satisfy your sweet tooth. 
• The packaging might feature a charming and conveys a sense of warmth and home-baked goodness.
• These cookies are versatile and can be enjoyed in many ways. They are perfect for dipping in your morning coffee or tea, as an afternoon snack, or even as a dessert after dinner.
• You can also pair them with a glass of milk or hot cocoa for a delicious and comforting treat.
• They contain eggs, which are a good source of protein, and butter, which is a good source of calcium. So you can indulge in these treats without feeling guilty.

• This product was
 imported directly from Philippines!


This specific product contains Eggs & Wheat.

Ingredients: Wheat Flour, Fresh Eggs, Sugar, Ammonium Bicarbonate (Leaven- Ing), Baking Powder (Leavening).

serving per pack
Serving Size 30g (around 24 pcs)
Amount Per Serving 
  % Daily Value*
Calories 119 kcal 5%
Calories from Fat 6 kcal
Total Fat 1g 1%
         Saturated Fat 0.3g 2%
         Unsaturated Fat 0.4g
         Trans Fat 0g
Cholesterol 27.9mg 9%
Sodium 13mg 3%
Total Carbohydrate 26g 9
         Dietary Fiber 1g 3%
         Total Sugar 10g
                  Includes 0g Added Sugar 0%
Protein 2g 4%
**% DAILY VALUE, U.S. FDA (used if not RENI) -No recommended % of Daily Value for these nutrie- nts/elements are provided in the USFDA Guidelines for Nutrion Labeling.
Store in a cool and dry place and avoid direct sunlight.


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